Saturday 18 May 2013

Beauty Treatments for Pregnant Women

It is a beautiful experience to become a mother, but pregnancy is a tumultuous experience as a woman undergoes many physiological changes. Pregnancy is the exact time when a woman should start giving herself an extra dose of love and care. Instead of worrying about childbirth, give yourself a treat of various beauty
treatments. Get ready to pamper yourself, but remember not all beauty treatments are meant for pregnant women. You can resort to the given beauty treatments as they cause no harm to a mom-to-be and her baby.

As the result of increased hormonal activity during pregnancy, skin pores are clogged by extra oil. A professional facial will serve your purpose, but keep in mind that skin is extra sensitive during pregnancy.  Avoid having aromatherapy, microdermabrasion, hot stone treatment and chemical peel treatment. Instead, go for treatments that help in relaxation and increase blood circulation. Oxygen facial will be a good choice as it promotes growth of new cells and removes wrinkles. Another option is deep cleansing facial that involves exfoliation, extraction, massage, a mask and moisturisation. Getting a hydrating facial can also help as moisture-rich treatments and products, especially prepared to drench pregnancy-parched skin are used in it.

Prenatal Massage
This massage is effective in reducing anxiety and symptoms of depression during pregnancy. Some major positive effects of prenatal massage are regulated hormone levels, which leads to fewer complications during birth and fewer newborn complications such as low birth weight. It relieves swelling of the joints or edema experienced during pregnancy. In the last trimester of pregnancy, women experience sciatic nerve pain, which can be reduced by regular prenatal massage. Other benefits include better sleep, reduced muscle tensions and headaches and improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles.

Hair Treatment
During pregnancy, you can get different types of hair treatments such as hair colouring, curling, bleaching and hair straightening. In these hair treatments, only small amounts of chemicals are absorbed by skin therefore, a petty amount does not create any risk for your baby. Permanent hair dyes have ammonia in large quantities. It has a strong chemical fume; therefore, avoid usage of such hair dyes. For dying your hair, you can use henna as it is a vegetable dye that is safe during pregnancy. You can go for highlighting your hair because for highlighting, dye is applied through foil and therefore, the skin does not absorb it.

Pedicure and Manicure
No evidences have shown that the chemicals used in manicure and pedicure affect foetus health.  Every third week, a pregnant woman can get a pedicure or manicure as the solvents used do not possess any danger to the mother and the baby. During pregnancy, sensitivity to smell increases, therefore, to save yourself from nausea, get manicure and pedicure done in a well-ventilated area.

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