Monday 27 May 2013

Yoga For Healthy Hair

In their quest to achieve that elusive perfect figure, brides to be put themselves through a variety of tortuous beauty and exercise regimes, which are frequently punishing for the body. Not to mention all
the stress that brides to be are under!

Really, with the change in khana peena (a strict diet of almonds and milk one day and only ghee and mithai and other fried stuff the next day when guests come over to visit) and all the stress that brides are under, it is a miracle that most of them are not bald by the time of the wedding!

But all jokes aside, when there is a change in your diet or when you are under pressure, it reflects on the way you look. To be more specific, it reflects on your hair. Are you facing a lot of stress? Then be prepared to wake up to the sight of hair on your pillow every morning. Are you trying out new diets like the Atkins diet, the South Beach Diet, etc before your wedding? There is a possibility that you could end up with dull and greasy hair.

But seriously though, what would you say if know a method by which you could calm your mind, get a toned body and get luscious hair into the bargain?
Yoga is the solution to all your problems. You may be wondering how you would ever learn yoga in such a short time, but what else is YouTube for if not to help in exigencies such as these?

1. Sirasasana
This asana involves balancing your entire body on your head. Yes, you read that correctly. No, it is not something that only circus acrobats can do. With regular practice, there is no reason why you should not be able to do this. Think of this as an upside down hand stand, only you would be balancing yourself on your head, with your arms kept beside your head on the floor for balance. This asana improves circulation in the scalp. Not to mention, all the practice involved so that you can perform this asana correctly ensures that you will have a fit and toned body with nary an extra ounce of fat to be seen anywhere. Needless to mention, if you are new to yoga, you should only do this with an expert practitioner unless you want to end up with a spinal injury!

2. Sarvangasana
Lie down flat on your back and try to point your feet towards the sky, while using your head, neck and upper back for balance. This asana is almost as difficult as the sirasana, and the same disclaimer about experts applies here also.

3. Ustraasana
Also known as the camel asana, it involves kneeling on the floor and bending backwards until your hands touch your ankles.

4. Pawanmuktasana
This involves lying down and hugging your knees to your chest. It is great for improving digestion, which also has an impact on your hair.

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