Friday 30 August 2013

Yoga Poses To Burning Fat Fast

Is using yoga for weight loss the best way to lose weight? Well that depends on the person, the style of yoga we are talking about and other environmental factors that may be present.

First we must understand what it means to lose weight. For most of us it means to lose fat.

How does our body lose fat? This is what we need to understand if we are going to be successful in loosing weight.

Yoga Poses for Weight Loss:

Mountain pose. 
This pose is usually the first in all yoga poses. Stand still, concentrate on breathing. Raise your hands while making a deep breath in, and get your hands back as shown in the the picture with a breath out.

Facing Dog pose
Try to keep your legs and arms straight. At first stages, it will be difficult for you to have your legs straight, so try to have them as straight as possible. Concentrate the power to your arms, like pushing the floor.

Forward Bend
Soften your knees and bend forward as you exhale, letting your torso hang in front of your thighs. Keeping your arms straight and fingers locked together, lift them up and over your head (ultimately reaching toward the floor in front of your feet).

Plank pose
This is a real challange for arm balance. Legs and back are straight in one line. If it‘s too hard, bend your legs slightly and be on your knees, as you feel comfortable, raise your body again in the straight line – that‘s a beneficial and healthy activity for your muscles.

Cobra pose
Keep your arms straight with your head kept as high as possible. The most beneficial this pose is when you are touching the floor with your feet and palms only, that is your legs are in the air. Bu it‘s difficult at the beginning, so be in the comfortable pose for you.

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