Wednesday 5 June 2013

Foods That Can Help You Boost Your Hair Growth

You and you hair are a reflection of your diet. If you want your hair to grow and look healthy, you have to give it the right nutrients. This involves eating foods high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, iron, zinc and
other vitamins that promote healthy hair. Above all, a good diet for your hair should be balanced.

1. Salmon
Salmon is a good source of protein, vitamins & minerals like vitamin D, B-12 and iron. It has omega-3 fatty acids too.

2. Sweet Potatoes 
A good source of beta-carotene  which your body converts to vitamin A - a nourishing agent for hair and skin.

3. Eggs
A good source of protein, vitamins & minerals like vitamin B, iron, zinc, selenium and sulfur. It has biotin too.

4. Nuts
Nuts are filled with a variety of minerals essential for hair growth. Examples include almonds, which are high in magnesium; Brazil nuts, which are full of selenium; and walnuts, which are high in both alpha-linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids. Cashews, pecans, almonds and walnuts are also high in zinc.

5. Orange Vegetables
Orange vegetables, such as sweet potatoes and carrots, are not only high in vitamins, they also help protect hair from the sun and maintain the natural oils in your scalp.

6.  Legumes
Legumes like lentils promotes and maintains healthy hair. Lentils are rich in protein, iron, zinc and biotin. You can also eat soybeans and kidney beans.

9. Quinoa
Vitamin E is essential for healthy hair. Whole grains are loaded with protein, vitamins & minerals. For example : Quinoa. It has a great nutritional value than rice with more essential vitamins and minerals.

10. Greek Yogurt
Yes, that's right, you can have greek yogurt for hair with a major protein boost. It also has vitamin B5 and vitamin D.

11. Blueberries
Lack of vitamin C in your diet can lead to unhealthy hair and breakage. Have blueberries - Blueberries is an antioxidant that has number of health benefits.

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