Sunday 9 June 2013

Tap Water: Friend or Foe For Sensitive Skin?

Tap water: friend or foe to sensitive skin?
This can be a question that always spurs debate. Although some dermatologists believe that tap water can dry up the skin and advise against utilizing it, other derms recommend it with no hesitations. So
what is the right answer?

The voice of reason
Tap water ought to be used correctly. The important thing would be to preserve the optimal quality of the hydrolipidic film that produces a protective barrier around the skin’s surface. There is only one method to way to make sure of this: observe your skin reacts! After washing the face with tap water, do you obtain a pulling feeling? Can you see redness? Does the skin feel tight?

Lime scale and chlorine, that are commonly found in tap water, can behave as irritants and make your skin feel even tighter or appear irritated. However this doesn’t mean that tap water should be avoided completely. Applying cold plain tap water to the skin can tighten pores and provide you with a bright complexion.

Control the hardness of the water
Unless you live in the lake, where tap water is significantly purer, you might need an alternative solution. If you live in a community, water softeners are an ideal option. They are able to help purify hard water from chlorine along with other irritants by using a filter system.

How you can care for your sensitive skin
Considering that most dermatologists recommend cleansing twice daily, in the morning and the evening, it’s vital that you do it properly. If you have sensitive skin, you need to opt for products that don’t require rinsing to prevent needing tap water. Top off your cleansing routine by gently spraying the face with a soothing thermal water to assist dilute any lime scale deposits which were left on the skin’s surface.

People who regularly apply eye make-up also needs to use a two-phase lotion to gently remove eyeshadow and then mascara. Place a cotton wool pad moistened with make-up remover in your eyelids, then dab it and press down for approximately ten seconds until all the make-up is dissolved. For the eyelashes, soak a cotton pad with make-up remover and fold it over and beneath your lashes. Push the pad together for some second, and then very gently slide it for the edge of your eye to remove all traces of mascara.

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