Wednesday 12 June 2013

Guarana Side Effects for Your Health

Guarana which is also known as Paullinia cupana, or Brazilian cocoa, develops from a plant found in the northern a part of Brazil and Venezuela, in the Amazon rainforests. The plant is a small shrub that's
covered with bright red berry like fruits which contain small black seeds rich in caffeine and other natural substances. Guarana has numerous uses and is most commonly utilized in energy drinks, diet pills and tea. Although it has a lot of uses, there has always been a debate on guarana blend negative effects.

Common Side Effects
Common negative effects of guarana include trouble sleeping, restlessness, increased heartbeat, loss of appetite, anxiety, heart burn, shakiness, headaches, nausea, tinnitus, and frequent urination.

Allergic attack
Signs of an allergic reaction to guarana include swelling from the throat, lips and tongue, hives or itchiness and trouble breathing Consult a physician immediately if you are experiencing this negative effects.

Serious Side Effects
Serious negative effects of guarana include vomiting, difficulty urinating, stomach cramps, racing heart, dizziness, seizures and severe stomach pain. These negative effects may all indicate a guarana overdose and really should be brought to the attention of the medical professional.

Other Conditions
Side effects of guarana might be more dangerous to and much more acutely felt by people with heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease or perhaps an overactive thyroid. These people should avoid any beverage or medication with guarana. Guarana also needs to not be used by those with a caffeine allergy.

Other Medications
People taking every other pills that contain ephedra will worsen any negative effects caused by guarana and therefore the two shouldn't be taken together. Side effects as severe as stroke, hemorrhage, myocardial infarction, and fatal alterations in heart rate and blood pressure can happen when guarana and ephedra are combined.

1 comment:

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