Thursday 6 June 2013

How Does A Teenager Prevent Acne Breakouts

Acne prevention often becomes essential during our teenage life. It can cause great distress and embarrassment in an age when young people are extremely concerned about how they look. Very little
teenager - and many a grownup on drugs like lithium - is spared an extended period of acne problems. Pubescent girls have to pay greater attention to acne prevention due to the hormonal upsurges associated with the onset of menstruation.

If you don't keep your skin clean and free of dirt, you are bound to experience breakouts at ungodly time. So how exactly does a teenager prevent acne breakouts? There are lots of ways where one can get rid of it or cure it totally. Follow simple rules of perfect flawless skin and revel in an acne free skin.

Hydrate the face with a light moisturizer. An easy acne-fighting moisturizer that contains 0.Five percent salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide because the active ingredient reduces sebum production to prevent breakouts and prevent additional pimples from appearing. A moisturizer ought to always be applied immediately after washing the face, as your skin needs moisture replenishment to avoid excessive dryness that leads to increased sebum production.

Apply topical acne medication to pimples. While face cleansers and moisturizers maintain oil and remove bacteria, over-the-counter acne medication targets specific spots to get rid of breakouts. Wash your hands just before applying the topical cream for your pimples to prevent the spread more bacteria.

Avoid touching your face. A routine of touching your face spreads germs and boosts the frequency of breakouts. Keep the hair off of your face, as the hair's natural oils contribute to acne breakouts if this lays against your skin.

Use prescription medicine. Antibiotics and prescription creams contain higher levels of salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide than commonly present in over-the-counter acne products. Antibiotics kill bacteria and lower inflammation in your body that has a tendency to result in acne flare-ups. Consult with your dermatologist or primary physician to acquire a prescription.

Other Tips

  • Keep the hands away from your face. If you have to touch your face, wash both hands before touching your face. Before applying lotions and such.
  • Keep any glasses or mobile phone clean.
  • Don’t go to bed with your makeup on.
  • Wear only makeup that's nonceomedogenic or nonacnegenic.
  • Keep you pillow case and bedding clean.
  • Based on where your acne is, it must breath. If you have chest or back acne wear loose clothing made from breathable material like cotton.
  • Help you stay hair clean as oil and merchandise can drip on your skin and cause breakouts.
  • Avoid burning. The sunlight is not good for your acne. It causes the skin to secret more sebum. Plus, some acne skin care treatments may make your skin more vulnerable towards the suns rays.
  • Shaving your face ought to be done carefully. You should use either an electrical shaver or one of the safety razors. Just be sure the blade is sharp. Make sure to soften your skin with warm soap and water before you put on the shaving cream.

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