Monday 15 July 2013

Meditation Techniques That Help Prevent Depression

Stress and depression are some of the problems that make people seek out meditation as a way out of their problems. There are two major types of depression - one is the type that is caused by external forces such
as the way people treat you, circumstances around you, hardship, illness and other causes. The second type is caused by chemical imbalance in your body. No matter the cause of your depression, we all know that it affects mind. In other words, it is something we cannot see physically. Since depression manifests as a mental experience, one of the best ways to eliminate it is by meditating.

Meditation Techniques 
Here are some examples of the different techniques of meditation.

Yoga Meditation: Yoga is mostly considered as a series of exercises you do on a mat in special class but do you know that every part of your daily routine can become your yoga practice? The great yoga secret is that you need not change your daily activities, yoga will teach you change and control your attention and awareness you bring to those activities.

Soham Meditation: In the most ancient language, Sanskrit, "So" is the term for the sound of inhaling breath and the term assigned to exhaling is "Ham." These two terms come together to form the word "Soham," which can be exactly translated as "I am He." When you practice Soham meditation technique, you are actually remembering God which implies that with each breath you take, you are praying or worshiping God or showing your adoration for God. Concentrating on your breath helps you gain focus and clarity.

Buddhist Meditation: By practicing Buddhist meditation, you can learn to watch even physical discomfort and heavy emotions such as fear and anger without suffering. You will accept that it is your reaction to the information that binds you and disturbs you. Pleasant or unpleasant stuff can not affect you; as it has no power as long as you remain detached. You should simply watch it arise and disappear on its own. It is when we cling to the present, hoping it to continue or wanting to push away the unpleasant, expecting it to disappear, that we suffer and lose our innate equanimity and freedom.

Vipassana Meditation: Like other types of meditation, the idea behind vipassana meditation is to achieve the ability to observe the world and one's surroundings as they truly are, without judgment. Vipassana meditation shows you the way to transformation through observation. You are expected to observe particularly the mind-body connection. Observation of the self is expected while performing vipassana.

Third Eye Meditation: "Be silent, be attentive and let the light bring itself to you" is the technique followed in third eye meditation. While following this technique, the more you open your consciousness to being filled with the light, the more layers of shuttering will be peeled away and the 'Now' (truth and reality) will be revealed to you. As you begin to perceive the truth or secret of this universe, you will realize that you have been deluded by outside influences into thinking that you are a separate part of the universe. This type of meditation will help opening your third eye with which you will be able to perceive the wonders of the universe. You will understand that you are a part of everything and everything is a part of you. The chattering inside your mind will eventually disappear pertaining to the transcendent beauty of the light and love that is now within you, will always be there.

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