Friday 12 July 2013

Veggie Skin Care for Acne

Acne can be a problem for people of every age group, not just teens and teenagers. Diet, hormonal fluctuations, genetics, stress, overuse of makeup and harsh skincare products have been shown to play
a role within the occurrence of acne.

If you’re an acne sufferer, you will know acne symptoms range from the occasional unwelcome blemish to some chronic skin condition that can cause scarring. Not treated, red spots and pitted scarring migh result.

Orange Fruits and Vegetables
When it comes to vegetables and fruit for acne treatment, the color orange scores an A+, for top concentrations of the A vitamin, beta-carotene. Vit a works in a similar way as retinol medications, a commonly prescribed strategy to acne, but without harsh drying or any other side effects. Vitamin A helps banish breakouts by balancing excess oil and reducing inflammation. Maintain stocks of carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, papayas, apricots, cantaloupes, mangoes, peaches, and nectarines to obtain your fix.

The bacteria blasting properties of antioxidants make sure they are a key player in the reduction and protection against acne. Breakouts and bacteria buildup really are a bad blemish duo just waiting to become squashed by the superhero skin saving powers of antioxidant rich vegetables and fruit. The mightiest of the bunch are available hiding out in blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, dark leafy greens like spinach and kale, apples, asparagus, and avocados.

Vegetables and fruit With Vitamin C
Think ascorbic acid for Clear skin. Ascorbic acid boosts the production of new collagen, which will help prevent and reduce acne scarring. Collagen props up capillary structure that feeds and nourishes the skin, keeping it healthy and blemish free. Delicious citrus fruits including grapefruit, pineapple, oranges and lemons, are great sources of vitamin C. Fill up your salad bowl with lots of fresh vegetables such as broccoli, yams and bell peppers too.

Antioxidant Drink Plus (link)
Employed in harmony with every single topical product within our skin care line, our refreshing antioxidant drink supplies a complete daily dose of vegetables and fruit in a single ounce.

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